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Zoe Service

Zoe v0.24.0. Last updated August 25, 2022.

Zoe provides a framework for deploying and working with smart contracts. It is accessed as a long-lived and well-trusted service that enforces offer safety for the contracts that use it. Zoe has a single InvitationIssuer for the entirety of its lifetime. By having a reference to Zoe, a user can get the InvitationIssuer and thus validate any Invitation they receive from someone else.

Zoe is accessed asynchronously

The Zoe service is accessed asynchronously, using a standards-track library extension to JavaScript that uses promises as remote references. In code, the Zoe service instance is referred to via Zoe, which only supports asynchronous invocation. Operations are invoked asynchronously using the E helper for async messaging. All such operations immediately return a promise for their result. That may eventually fulfill to a local value, or to a Presence for another remote object (e.g., in another contract or service, running on another chain, etc.). Asynchronous messages can be sent using E with either promises or presences.

For more information about using E, see the Agoric's JavaScript Distributed Programming Guide.


  • instance: Instance
  • Returns: Promise<BrandKeywordRecord>

Returns a Promise for a BrandKeywordRecord containing all Brands defined in the instance argument.

A BrandKeywordRecord is an object where the keys are Keywords, and the values are the Brands for particular Issuers.

// Record example
const brandKeywordRecord = {
  FirstCurrency: quatloosBrand,
  SecondCurrency: moolaBrand,
  // etc.
// Call example
const brandKeywordRecord = await E(Zoe).getBrands(instance);


  • instance: Instance
  • Returns: Promise<IssuerKeywordRecord>

Returns a Promise for an IssuerKeywordRecord containing all Issuers defined in the instance argument.

An IssuerKeywordRecord is an object where the keys are Keywords, and the values are Issuers.

// Record example
const issuerKeywordRecord = {
  FirstCurrency: quatloosIssuer,
  SecondCurrency: moolaIssuer,
// Call example
const issuerKeywordRecord = await E(Zoe).getIssuers(instance);


  • instance: Instance
  • Returns: Promise<Object>

Returns a Promise for the terms of the instance argument, including its Brands, Issuers, and any custom terms. The returned values look like:

  // Brands and issuers are keywordRecords
  brands: { A: moolaKit.brand, B: simoleanKit.brand },
  issuers: { A: moolaKit.issuer, B: simoleanKit.issuer },
  customTermA: 'something',
  customTermB: 'something else',
  // All other customTerms
const terms = await E(Zoe).getTerms(instance);


  • instance: Instance
  • Returns: Promise<PublicFacet>

Returns a Promise for the PublicFacet defined for the instance argument.

A contract instance's PublicFacet is an object available via Zoe to anyone knowing that Instance. You use it for general queries and actions, such as getting a current price or creating public Invitations. Since a facet is defined just as any other object, the contract adds methods to the PublicFacet just like you would any object.

const ticketSalesPublicFacet = await E(Zoe).getPublicFacet(sellItemsInstance);


Returns a Promise for the InvitationIssuer for the Zoe instance.

const invitationIssuer = await E(Zoe).getInvitationIssuer();
// Here a user, Bob, has received an untrusted invitation from Alice.
// Bob uses the trusted **InvitationIssuer** from Zoe to
// transform the untrusted invitation to a trusted one
const trustedInvitation = await invitationIssuer.claim(untrustedInvitation);
const { value: invitationValue } =
  await E(invitationIssuer).getAmountOf(trustedInvitation);


Takes an Invitation as an argument and returns a Promise for an object containing the following details about the Invitation:

  • installation: Installation: The contract's Zoe installation.
  • instance: Instance: The contract instance this invitation is for.
  • invitationHandle: Handle: A Handle used to refer to this Invitation.
  • description: String: Describes the purpose of this Invitation. Use it to match the invitation to the role it plays in the contract.
const invitation = await invitationIssuer.claim(untrustedInvitation);
const invitationValue = await E(Zoe).getInvitationDetails(invitation);


  • bundle: SourceBundle
  • Returns: Promise<Installation>

Takes bundled source code for a Zoe contract as an argument and installs the code on Zoe. Returns a Promise for an Installation object.

// bundleSource takes source code files and
// bundles them together in the format install expects.
import bundleSource from '@endto/bundle-source';
const bundle = await bundleSource(pathResolve(`./src/contract.js`));
const installationP = await E(Zoe).install(bundle);


  • Returns: Promise<Object>

Returns a Promise for information about the feeIssuer. (The Issuer whose associated Mint can mint IST.) It consists of the issuer's name, assetKind, and displayInfo.


Returns a Promise for the Issuer whose associated Mint can mint IST.


  • instance: Instance
  • Returns: Array<String>

Returns all the offer Keywords that have been disabled, if any. Offer Keywords may be disabled if they prove problematic in some fashion, or to debug undesired behavior.


Returns a Promise for the contract instance the Invitation is part of.

While Instances are opaque objects, you can get information about them via these methods:

  • getBrands()
  • getTerms()
  • getIssuers()
  • getPublicFacet()
const instance = await E(Zoe).getInstance(invitation);


Returns a Promise for the Pattern that the Invitation's Proposal adheres to.


  • invitation: Invitation
  • Returns: Promise<Installation>

Returns a Promise for the contract installation the Invitation's contract instance uses.

const installation = await E(Zoe).getInstallation(invitation);


  • instance: Instance
  • Returns Promise<Installation>

Returns a Promise for the contract installation used by the instance. An instance is the unique identifier for the running, executing contract. The installation is the unique identifier for the underlying code. This method can be used as part of a process to inspect the underlying code for a running contract instance.

const installation = await E(Zoe).getInstallationForInstance(instance);

E(Zoe).startInstance(installation, issuerKeywordRecord?, terms?, privateArgs?)

  • installation: ERef<Installation>
  • issuerKeywordRecord: IssuerKeywordRecord - Optional.
  • terms: Object - Optional.
  • privateArgs: Object - Optional.
  • Returns: Promise<StartInstanceResult>

Creates an instance of the installed smart contract specified by the installation argument. All contracts each run in a new vat with their own version of the Zoe Contract Facet. There is one vat that contains the Zoe Service.

The issuerKeywordRecord is an optional object mapping Keywords to Issuers, such as FirstCurrency: quatlooIssuer. Parties to the contract will use the Keywords to index their proposal and their payments.

The terms are values used by this contract instance, such as the number of bids an auction w ill wait for before closing. These values may be different for different instances of the same contract, but the contract defines what variables need their values passed in as terms.

privateArgs are optional. Pass an object record here with any values that need to be made available to the contract code, but which should not be in the public terms. For example, to share minting authority among multiple contracts, pass in the following as privateArgs:

const privateArgs = { externalMint: myExternalMint };

It returns a Promise for a StartInstanceResult object. The object consists of:

  • adminFacet: AdminFacet
  • creatorFacet: any
  • publicFacet: any
  • instance: Instance
  • creatorInvitation: Payment | undefined

The adminFacet has one method:

  • getVatShutdownPromise()
    • Returns a promise that resolves to reason (the value passed to fail(reason)) or completion (the value passed to exit(completion)) when this newly started instance terminates.

A publicFacet is an object available via Zoe to anyone knowing the instance they are associated with. The publicFacet is used for general queries and actions, such as getting a current price or creating public Invitations. Since a facet is defined just as any other object, the contract developer can add methods to them just like they would any object.

The creatorFacet is only available in this return value (i.e. only when starting a contract instance). The contract designer should use it to encapsulate things that the contract runner might not want to share, or might want to control the distribution of. The party who starts the contract should carefully consider the impact before sharing access to the creatorFacet.

creatorInvitation is an Invitation that the contract instance creator can use. It is usually used in contracts where the creator immediately sells something (auctions, swaps, etc.), so it's helpful for the creator to have an Invitation to escrow and sell goods. Remember that Zoe Invitations are represented as a Payment.

const issuerKeywordRecord = {
  Asset: moolaIssuer,
  Price: quatlooIssuer,
const terms = { numBids: 3 };
const { creatorFacet, publicFacet, creatorInvitation } =
  await E(Zoe).startInstance(installation, issuerKeywordRecord, terms);

E(Zoe).offer(invitation, proposal?, paymentPKeywordRecord?, offerArgs?)

Used to make an offer to the contract that created the invitation.


proposal must be either undefined or a record with give, want, and/or exit properties respectively expressing conditions regarding what is being given, what is desired in exchange (protected by offer safety), and an exit rule defining how/when the offer can be canceled. Note that the contract is not obligated to accept the proposal; it may inspect it and reject it for any reason (in which case all payments will be returned promptly).

const myProposal = harden({
  give: { Asset: AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 4n) },
  want: { Price: AmountMath.make(moolaBrand, 15n) },
  exit: { onDemand: null },

give and want use Keywords defined by the contract. In the example above, "Asset" and "Price" are the Keywords. However, in an auction contract, the Keywords might be "Asset" and "Bid".

exit specifies how the offer can be cancelled. It must conform to one of three shapes:

  • { onDemand: null }: (Default) The offering party can cancel on demand.
  • { waived: null }: The offering party can't cancel and relies entirely on the smart contract to complete (finish or fail) their offer.
  • { afterDeadline: deadlineDetails }: The offer is automatically cancelled after a deadline, as determined by its timer and deadline properties. The proposer cannot exit the seat before the deadline (the seat is in the waived state), but the contract can exit the proposer's seat early. timer must be a timer, and deadline must be timestamp understood by it. (Some timers use Unix epoch time, while others count block height.) For more details, see Timer Services.

Proposal Shape

A contract can enforce a certain proposal shape using the M (for 'Matcher') object from @endo/patterns.

For example, a contract holding an auction might require that all offers include an afterDeadline exit rule with a timestamp in the future.


paymentPKeywordRecord must be either undefined or a PaymentPKeywordRecord containing the actual payments to be escrowed by Zoe. Every Keyword in give must have a corresponding payment.

const paymentKeywordRecord = harden({ Asset: quatloosPayment });

Offer Arguments

offerArgs is an optional CopyRecord that can be used to pass additional arguments to the offerHandler contract code associated with the invitation by zcf.makeInvitation(...). Each contract can define the properties it supports and which are required.


  • bundleId: BundleId
  • Returns: Promise<Installation>

Reserved for future use.


  • installation: Installation
  • Returns: Promise<BundleId>

Reserved for future use.

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