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UserSeat Object

Within Zoe, seats are used by contracts and users to access or manipulate offers. Zoe has two kinds of seats. ZCFSeats are used within contracts and with zcf methods. UserSeats represent offers external to Zoe and the contract. The party who exercises an Invitation and sends the offer() message to Zoe gets a UserSeat that can check payouts' status or retrieve the result of processing the offer in the contract. This varies, but examples are a String and an Invitation for another seat.

Also, a UserSeat can be handed to an agent outside Zoe and the contract, letting them query or monitor the current state, access the payouts and result, and, if it's allowed for this seat, call tryExit().

Take care when sharing a UserSeat, since it includes authority to (attempt to) exit the seat.

These methods are all documented as returning Promises, since they are always called remotely, but that obscures the fact that they are expected to resolve at semantically different times. Some return a value promptly, and others return a promise that won't be fulfilled until the seat is exited. getOfferResult() resolves at the discretion of the contract. The descriptions below will call out explicitly the cases in which the value is not guaranteed to be resolved promptly.

UserSeat includes queries for the associated offer's current state and an operation to request that the offer exit, as follows:


  • Returns: Promise<ProposalRecord>

A Proposal is represented by a ProposalRecord. It is the rules accompanying the escrow of Payments dictating what the user expects to get back from Zoe. It has keys give, want, and exit. give and want are records with Keywords as keys and Amounts as values. If it is compatible with the contract, the contract tries to satisfy it. If not, the contract kicks the seat out.

Offer safety is always enforced; if kicked out, the user gets back what they put in. If the contract attempts to satisfy it, they either get what they asked for or Zoe ensures they get back their deposit.


const { want, give, exit } = sellerSeat.getProposal();


Returns a Promise for a KeywordRecord containing Promises for all the Payouts associated with the seat's offers. A Payout is a Payment that goes to a party in a successful transaction, redirecting escrowed assets in accordance with the result of the transaction.

The promise will be resolved promptly once the seat exits.


Returns a Promise for the Payout associated with the keyword argument. A Payout is a Payment that goes to a party in a successful transaction, redirecting escrowed assets in accordance with the result of the transaction.

The promise will be resolved promptly once the seat exits.


  • Returns: Promise<OfferResult>

Returns a Promise for an OfferResult. The OfferResult can be any Passable. For example, in the Automatic Refund example, it's the string "The offer was accepted". In the Covered Call example, it's a call option, which is an assayable Invitation to buy the underlying asset. Strings and invitations are the most common things returned. The value is the result returned by the offerHandler function passed in the first argument to zcf.makeInvitation(...).

Since the contract can return whatever it wants as an offer result, there is no guarantee that the promise will resolve promptly.


  • Returns: Promise<Boolean>

Returns true if the seat has exited, false if it's still active. The value is returned promptly.

If you want to take some action when the seat does exit, use getExitSubscriber() and call

const subscriber = E(seat).getExitSubscriber();
E.when(E(subscriber).getUpdateSince(), () => takeAction());

The eventual send to the subscriber will survive upgrade of the contract. Waiting on any of the promises would be broken in the case of a contract upgrade.


  • Returns: None.

Note: Only works if the seat's proposal has an OnDemand exit clause. Zoe's offer-safety guarantee applies no matter how a seat's interaction with a contract ends. Under normal circumstances, the participant might be able to call tryExit(), or the contract might do something explicitly. On exiting, the seat holder gets its current Allocation and the seat can no longer interact with the contract.


  • Returns: Promise<Number>

Returns a Promise for a number which indicates the result of the exited Proposal, as described below:

Number ReturnedDescription
0The user didn't get what they wanted from the Proposal, so their offer was refunded.
1The user got what they wanted from the Proposal, so their offer is spent & gone.

This promise will be resolved promptly once the seat exits.


  • Returns: Promise<Subscriber>

Returns a Promise for the Subscriber for the seat.


Returns a Promise for the Allocation when the UserSeat exits the proposal. This promise will be resolved promptly once the seat exits.

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