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Network API

Suitably-empowered code inside a vat can access a "network API" that works vaguely like the BSD socket API. This code can:

  • Open a listening port on various networking stacks.
  • Initiate connections to remote ports.
  • Send and receive data over these connections
  • Close the connection and/or ports.

The type of connection is limited by the host in which the vat is running. Chain-based machines must operate in a platonic realm of replicated consensus, so their network options are limited to protocols like IBC, which allow one gestalt chain to talk to other chain-like entities. Each such entity is defined by an evolving set of consensus rules, which typically include a current set of validator public keys and a particular history of hashed block identifiers.

CAVEAT: IBC uses Connection to mean a chain-to-chain hop, and Channel to mean a Port-to-Port pathway through a series of hops. This is unfortunate, because IBC "Channels" correspond most precisely to TCP "connections", and most discussions of network APIs (including this one, below) will talk about "connections" extensively. For now, our IBC implementation can only use pre-established hops, and provides no means for user-level code to create new hops (IBC Connections) at runtime. But user-level code can create new IBC Channels at any time. The terminology confusion will be most obvious in the section on "Accepting an Inbound Connection", where the user code is really accepting an inbound IBC Channel.

A channel via these IBC hops will terminate in IBC-aware code on either end. These endpoints might be traditional (static) IBC handlers (such as an ICS-20 token transfer module), or dynamic IBC handlers (e.g. running in a SwingSet vat). SwingSet vat code that wants to speak to vat code in a different SwingSet machine would not use the IBC connection directly: instead it would simply perform normal eventual-send operations (E(target).foo(args)) and let the "CapTP" promise-pipelining layer handle the details. But vat code which wants to speak to an ICS-20 handler in some other chain would need to use this layer.

Vats which live inside a solo machine are able to use traditional networking layers, like TCP, HTTP, and WebSockets. This enables them to communicate with e.g. browser-side UI frontends that use WebSockets to query the vat for order status. These connections do not have to follow normal ocap rules, so vat code which accepts them must provide its own authentication and access control protections.

Solo machines may be able to talk to chains and vice versa using specialized protocols. This will be used by CapTP to provide ocap messaging between these heterogeneous machine types.

The agoric-sdk User Local Port

Each user of the Agoric testnet gets a few personal IBC listening ports. You can access these Port objects in the home.ibcport array, and you can learn their local address by calling something like E(home.ibcport[0]).getLocalAddress(), which will give you a local address like /ibc-port/portbvmnfb.

This is currently the only way for user code to get an IBC Port, though non-IBC ports can be allocated using the local object. This is an advanced use case, to be documented later.

Connecting to a Remote Port

To establish a connection, you must start with a local Port object, and you must know the name of the remote endpoint. The remote endpoint will have a name like /ibc-hop/$HOPNAME/ibc-port/$PORTNAME/ordered/$VERSION (where ibc-hop, ibc-port and ordered are literal strings, spelled just like that, but $HOPNAME, $PORTNAME, and $VERSION are placeholders for arbitrary values that will vary from one endpoint to another).

You must also prepare a ConnectionHandler object to manage the connection you're about to create. This has a number of methods which will be called when the things happen to the connection, including packets arriving. This is described in Receiving Data.

Then you will call the connect() method on your local Port. This will return a Promise that will fire with a new Connection object, on which you can send data. Your ConnectionHandler will be notified about the new channel, and will receive inbound data from the other side.

const remoteEndpoint = `/ibc-hop/${hopName}/ibc-port/${portName}/ordered/${version}`;
E(home.ibcport[0]).connect(remoteEndpoint, connectionHandler)
  .then(conn => doSomethingWithConnection(conn));

Opening a Listening Port and Accepting an Inbound Connection

The other side of connect() is a "listening port". These ports are waiting for inbound connections to be established.

To get a listening port, you need a NetworkInterface object (such as the one on your ag-solo under and ask it to bind() to an endpoint. You can either provide a specific port name, or allow the API to allocate a random one for you. The endpoint specifies the type of connection that this port will be able to accept (IBC, TCP, etc), and some properties of that connection. bind() uses a "multiaddress" to encode this information.

// Ask for a random allocation - ends with a slash
  .then(port => usePort(port));

// or ask for a specific port name
  .then(port => usePort(port));

IBC has named "hops" (what they call "Connections" in the IBC spec) which each carry data between two specific chains. These hops are different from the connections described in this document. When you bind a port like /ibc-port/$PORT without specifying the "hop", any IBC chain can initiate a connection to this port.

You can ask the Port object this returns for its local address, which is especially useful if you had asked for a random allocation (since otherwise you have no way to know what address you got):

E(port).getLocalAddress().then(localAddress => useIt(localAddress))

Once the port is bound, you must call addListener() to mark it as ready for inbound connections. You must provide this with a ListenHandler object, which has methods to react to listening events. As with ConnectionHandler, these methods are all optional.

  • onListen(port, handler): called when the port starts listening
  • onAccept(port, remote, handler): called when a new channel has been accepted
  • onError(port, rejection, handler): called if the port is no longer able to accept channels, such as if the Connection to the remote chain has failed, perhaps because a consensus failure was observed
  • onRemove(port, handler): called when the ListenHandler is being removed

Once your ChannelHandler is prepared, call addListener():

port.addListener(handler).then(() => console.log('listener is active'))

onAccept() is the most important method. It is called with a remote endpoint, which tells you the address of the Port at the other end, where someone else called connect(). You can use this to decide if you want to accept the connection, or what sort of authority to exercise in response to messages arriving therein.

If you choose to accept, your onAccept() method must return a Promise that fires with a ConnectionHandler. This will be used just like the one you would pass into connect(). To decline, throw an error.

Sending Data

The Networking API (at least for IBC) provides a "record pipe", in which each packet is transmitted intact over the network, requiring no additional framing to distinguish where one packet ends and the next one begins. This is in contrast to the "byte pipe" provided by a TCP connection, where you must typically prepend length headers to establish framing boundaries.

Once you have a Connection object, you send data by calling its send() method:


send() returns a Promise for the ACK data sent by the other side of the connection, which is represented in the same way as inbound data for onReceive().

Receiving Data

You must provide each open connection with a ConnectionHandler object, where you write methods that will be called when various things happen to the connection. You can share a single handler object between multiple connections, if you like, or you can make a separate one for each.

You can omit any of the methods and those events will simply be ignored. All these methods include the Connection object as the first argument, and the ConnectionHandler itself as the last argument, which might help if you want to share a common handler function among multiple connections.

  • onOpen(connection, handler): this is called when the connection is established, which tells you that the remote end has successfully accepted the connection request
  • onReceive(connection, packetBytes, handler): this is called each time the remote end sends a packet of data
  • onClose(connection, reason, handler): this is called when the connection is closed, either because one side wanted it to close, or because an error occurred. reason may be undefined.

onReceive() is the most important method. Each time the remote end sends a packet, your onReceive() method will be called with the data inside that packet (currently as a String due to inter-vat marshalling limitations, but ideally as an ArrayBuffer with a custom toString(encoding='latin1') method so that it can contain arbitrary bytes).

The return value of onReceive() is nominally a Promise for ACK data of the message (that will eventually appear on the other side as resolution of the Promise returned by connection.send()). For IBC, if the ACK data settles to an empty value '' then the implementation will automatically send a trivial '\x01' ACK, because empty ACKs are not supported by Cosmos ibc-go. This behavior may be different for other network implementations. It is recommended to avoid ACK data where possible.

Closing the Connection

When a given Connection has ceased to be useful, you should close it:


This initiates a shutdown. The ConnectionHandler on both sides will eventually see their onClose() methods be called, with a reason. It will allow them to distinguish an intentional onClose() (reason is undefined) from some error condition.

Removing a Listener

When you no longer wish to receive connections on a port, you can remove the listener:

port.removeListener(handler).then(() => console.log('removed'));

You must provide the handler you added, to enable the future ability to have multiple listeners on the same port.

Note that if you want to listen on this port again, you can just call port.addListener(...), as before. If you want to start a new connection, you can always call port.connect(...).

Closing the Port Entirely

Removing a listener doesn't release the port address to make it available for other bind() requests. You can call:


to completely deallocate the port, remove all listeners, close all pending connections, and release its address.

CAUTION: Be aware that if you call E(home.ibcport[0]).revoke(), it will be useless for new connect() or addListener() attempts. You will need to provision a new Agoric client to obtain a new setup with a functioning home.ibcport[0].

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