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Brand Object

A Brand identifies the asset type of the Issuer and Mint associated with the Brand. A given Brand has a one-to-one relationship with an Issuer and a Mint, and a one-to-many relationship with Purses and Payments.

For example, if you were to create a Brand that uses Quatloos:

  • There would be exactly one Quatloos Issuer.
  • There would be exactly one Quatloos Mint.
  • There could be any number of Purses that could hold Quatloos.
  • There could be any number of Payments that could hold Quatloos.

All of these relationships are unchangeable. For example, if a Mint is created that makes new Quatloos, it can never create non-Quatloos assets. Similarly, the Quatloos Brand will always be associated with the Quatloos Mint and Quatloos Issuer.


  • allegedIssuer: Issuer
  • Returns: Boolean

Returns true if allegedIssuer is the Brand's Issuer. Returns false if it's not.

Note that a Brand from an untrusted source can misrepresent its association with an Issuer. The claim should be cross-checked using the Issuer'sanIssuer.getBrand() method for mutual agreement.

const isIssuer = brand.isMyIssuer(issuer);


  • Returns: String

Returns the alleged name of the Brand.

An alleged name is a human-readable string name of a type of digital asset. It should not be trusted as accurate since there is no public registry or expectation of uniqueness. This means there can be multiple Issuers, Mints, or Brands with the same alleged name, and thus the name by itself does not uniquely identify an Issuer. Rather, the Brand object does that.

To put it another way, nothing stops different people from creating multiple Issuers with the alleged name Quatloos, but that doesn't make any of them the Quatloos Issuer. The alleged name is just a human readable string which is helpful for debugging.

const name = brand.getAllegedName();


Returns the DisplayInfo associated with the Brand.

You use a DisplayInfo object at the dapp and UI levels to correctly display Amounts. For fungible tokens, use the decimalPlaces property to display their value in the commonly used denomination, rather than the smallest denomination used for financial accounting (e.g., displaying in dollars rather than cents).

const quatloosDisplay = quatloosBrand.getDisplayInfo();


Returns the AmountShape for a Brand associated with a non-fungible asset.

The following methods on other ERTP components are also related to the Brand object.

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