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AmountMath Object

Library for manipulating and analyzing Amounts.

Importing and Using AmountMath

To use AmountMath, import it from ERTP:

  • import { AmountMath } from '@agoric/ertp';

Brand Parameters

Note that many AmountMath methods have an optional Brand parameter. For these methods, you should pass in a Brand argument you got from when you need to do an "absolute" check on the Brand within an Amount parameter. In this case, you want to use the Brand you got from the Issuer (or from Zoe) as the optional parameter to compare the Amount Brand(s) to. If they are not equal, an error is thrown and no changes are made.

AmountMath.make(brand, allegedValue)

Creates an Amount from a given Brand and AmountValue.

const bid = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 300n);

AmountMath.coerce(brand, allegedAmount)

Verifies that an Amount is for the specified brand and returns an equivalent Amount. If the Amount is not for the specified Brand, an error is thrown.

const verifiedAmount = AmountMath.coerce(quatloosBrand, bid);

AmountMath.getValue(brand, amount)

Returns the AmountValue from the given Amount.

const quatloos123 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 123n);

// Returns 123n
AmountMath.getValue(quatloosBrand, quatloos123);

AmountMath.makeEmpty(brand, assetKind)

Returns the Amount representing an empty Amount for the brand parameter's Brand. This is the identity element for AmountMath.add() and AmountMath.subtract(). The empty AmountValue depends on whether the assetKind is AssetKind.NAT (0n), AssetKind.COPY_SET ([]), or AssetKind.COPY_BAG ([]).

// Returns an amount with 0n as its value
const empty = AmountMath.makeEmpty(quatloosBrand, AssetKind.NAT);


Returns an empty Amount for the Brand of the amount parameter.

// bid = { brand: quatloosBrand, value: 300n }
const bid = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 300n);
// Returns { brand: quatloosBrand, value: 0n }
const zeroQuatloos = AmountMath.makeEmptyFromAmount(bid);

AmountMath.isEmpty(amount, brand?)

  • amount: Amount
  • brand: Brand - Optional, defaults to undefined.
  • Returns: Boolean

Returns true if the Amount is empty. Otherwise returns false.

If the optional brand argument doesn't match the Amount's Brand, an error is thrown.

const empty = AmountMath.makeEmpty(quatloosBrand, AssetKind.NAT);
const quatloos1 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 1n);

// Returns true
const result = AmountMath.isEmpty(empty);

// Returns false
const result = AmountMath.isEmpty(quatloos1);

AmountMath.isGTE(leftAmount, rightAmount, brand?)

  • leftAmount: Amount
  • rightAmount: Amount
  • brand: Brand - Optional, defaults to undefined.
  • Returns: Boolean

Returns true if the AmountValue of leftAmount is greater than or equal to the AmountValue of rightAmount. Both Amount arguments must have the same Brand.

If the optional brand argument doesn't match the Amounts' Brand, an error is thrown.

For non-fungible AmountValues, what "greater than or equal to" is depends on the kind of AmountMath. For example, { 'seat 1', 'seat 2' } is considered greater than { 'seat 2' } because the former is a strict superset of the latter.

const empty = AmountMath.makeEmpty(quatloosBrand, AssetKind.NAT);
const quatloos5 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 5n);
const quatloos10 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 10n);

// Returns true
AmountMath.isGTE(quatloos5, empty);
// Returns false
AmountMath.isGTE(empty, quatloos5, quatloosBrand);
// Returns true
AmountMath.isGTE(quatloos10, quatloos5);
// Returns false
AmountMath.isGTE(quatloos5, quatloos10);
// Returns true
AmountMath.isGTE(quatloos5, quatloos5);

AmountMath.isEqual(leftAmount, rightAmount, brand?)

  • leftAmount: Amount
  • rightAmount: Amount
  • brand: Brand - Optional, defaults to undefined.
  • Returns: Boolean

Returns true if the AmountValue of leftAmount is equal to the AmountValue of rightAmount. Both Amount arguments must have the same Brand.

If the optional brand argument doesn't match the Amounts' Brand, an error is thrown.

For non-fungible AmountValues, "equal to" depends on the value of the Brand's AssetKind.

For example, { 'seat 1', 'seat 2' } is considered unequal to { 'seat 2' } because the number of elements differ. { 'seat 1' } is considered unequal to { 'seat 2' } because the elements do not match.

const empty = AmountMath.makeEmpty(quatloosBrand, AssetKind.NAT);
const quatloos5 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 5n);
const quatloos5b = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 5n);
const quatloos10 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 10n);

// Returns true
AmountMath.isEqual(quatloos10, quatloos10);
// Returns true
AmountMath.isEqual(quatloos5, quatloos5b);
// Returns false
AmountMath.isEqual(quatloos10, quatloos5);
// Returns false
AmountMath.isEqual(empty, quatloos10);

AmountMath.add(leftAmount, rightAmount, brand?)

  • leftAmount: Amount
  • rightAmount: Amount
  • brand: Brand - Optional, defaults to undefined.
  • Returns: Amount

Returns a new Amount that is the combination of leftAmount and rightAmount. Both Amount arguments must have the same Brand.

If the optional brand argument doesn't match the Amounts' Brand, an error is thrown.

For fungible Amounts this means adding their AmountValues. For non-fungible Amounts, it usually means including all of the elements from leftAmount and rightAmount.

If one of leftAmount or rightAmount is empty, this method returns an Amount equivalent to the other. If both are empty, this method returns an empty Amount.

import { AssetKind, makeIssuerKit, AmountMath } from '@agoric/ertp';
const { brand: myItemsBrand } = makeIssuerKit('myItems', AssetKind.COPY_SET);
const listAmountA = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, ['1','2','4']);
const listAmountB = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, ['3']);

// Returns an amount whose value is ['1', '2', '4', '3']
const combinedList = AmountMath.add(listAmountA, listAmountB);

AmountMath.subtract(leftAmount, rightAmount, brand?)

  • leftAmount: Amount
  • rightAmount: Amount
  • brand: Brand - Optional, defaults to undefined.
  • Returns: Amount

Returns a new Amount that is the leftAmount minus the rightAmount (i.e., everything in the leftAmount that is not in the rightAmount). If leftAmount doesn't include rightAmount (e.g., subtraction results in a negative), an error is thrown. Because leftAmount must include rightAmount, this is not equivalent to set subtraction.

Both Amount arguments must have the same Brand.

If the optional brand argument doesn't match the Amounts' Brand, an error is thrown.

If rightAmount is empty, this method returns leftAmount. If both arguments are empty, this method returns an empty Amount.

import { AssetKind, makeIssuerKit, AmountMath } from '@agoric/ertp';
const { brand: myItemsBrand } = makeIssuerKit('myItems', AssetKind.COPY_SET);
const listAmountA = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, ['1','2','4']);
const listAmountB = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, ['3']);
const listAmountC = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, ['2']);

// Returns ['1', '4']
const subtractedList = AmountMath.subtract(listAmountA, listAmountC)

// Throws an error
const badList = AmountMath.subtract(listAmountA, listAmountB)

AmountMath.min(x, y, brand?)

  • x: Amount
  • y: Amount
  • brand: Brand - Optional, defaults to undefined.
  • Returns: Amount

Returns the minimum value between x and y.

Both Amount arguments must have the same Brand.

If the optional brand argument doesn't match the Amounts' Brand, an error is thrown.

const smallerAmount = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 5n);
const largerAmount = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 10n);

// Returns an amount equivalent to smallerAmount
const comparisonResult = AmountMath.min(smallerAmount, largerAmount);

AmountMath.max(x, y, brand?)

  • x: Amount
  • y: Amount
  • brand: Brand - Optional, defaults to undefined.
  • Returns: Amount

Returns the maximum value between x and y.

Both Amount arguments must have the same Brand.

If the optional brand argument doesn't match the Amounts' Brand, an error is thrown.

const smallerAmount = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 5n);
const largerAmount = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 10n);

// Returns an amount equivalent to largerAmount
const comparisonResult = AmountMath.max(smallerAmount, largerAmount);

The following methods on other ERTP components and objects also either operate on or return an Amount or AssetKind.

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